Thank You For Your Flower Bulb Order!
Before we send out your Flower Bulb Order Forms, were you aware that you can run your fundraiser with an Online Web Store? A Web Store can dramatically increase your sales!
🖥️ Would you like a personalized Online Web Store?
Online Web Stores increase your ability to reach more donors, resulting in MUCH LARGER SALES!
Our Web Store will keep track of all your sales by sellers name resulting in No Over or Under Ordering. Save hours tabulating what each seller has sold.
A report of your sales gets generated at the end of your fundraiser making your distribution simple.
A Web Store Will Be Your “Best Assistant Ever”
There is a 1 time set up fee of $25 to set up your web store which comes with an email we’ve created to send to your group to launch your online store.
The email includes instructions on how to promote the web store via TEXT, EMAIL and SOCIAL MEDIA. We’ve launched thousands of campaigns and have it down to a science.
You can launch your fundraiser within 24 hours instead of having to wait for your forms. We will also email you a PDF of the brochure in case you have some members who would prefer to print it out and take orders that way.
All future online fundraisers with ABC Fundraising® will be FREE to launch and you can turn your store back on anytime in the future!
To receive your online web store within 1 business day please use the PayPal Button Below:
NOTE: You do not need to have a PayPal account. You can use a Credit Card or Debit Card after hitting PAY NOW.
You may also call the office to pay at 888.212.1344
PayPal Order Form
The minimum for this fundraiser is 25 items.
As soon as your web store is completed (typically in 1 business day), we will email you the URL of the store AND A LOGIN URL so you can log in to track your sales.
You’ll be able to see how many sales each member of your group has made.
*If you don’t see an email from us within 1 business day, please check your spam folder.
How To Start Your Fundraiser:
Get your group ready and pumped up for your fundraiser! Once you receive the forms, hand them out to your members to start selling to friends, family and neighbors.
If you requested an Online Web Store, make sure to follow the instructions in the email you’ll soon receive to launch your online fundraiser!
TIP: Have your members write down 10-15 people who they plan to go see. This helps them be prepared and helps you raise more money!
We suggest you give your members a 2 week deadline.
TIP: Keep a 3rd week up your sleeve in case you need to give an extension to any members who didn’t reach their goals…
We send the Order Taker forms at no charge, as long as you place your order within 90 days*.
This helps keep it a free Order-Taker program. If you have not voted on this fundraiser yet, and are still in the decision process, call us right away at 888.212.1344 or email us at [email protected] to hold off on sending you the forms until your group has made a decision.
If you requested only 1 order-taker form to present to your group, you can go download the form onto your phone or computer and present to your group. Simply go to the Flower Bulb Fundraiser page and scroll down to the brochure.
PLEASE CALL US at 888.212.1344 if you have any questions.
* If you have not placed an order within 60 days of receiving the order forms, you will need to send them back or you will be charged $0.50 per flyer.